When You Love Truly!



Photo by Griffin Wooldridge on Unsplash

He’s a Stern Guy.

She’s a Loving Girl.

Yet, despite her unconditional Love for him…

She’s someone who’ll wreck his world once she reaches out for an embrace.

That’s why, among the many many decades they’ve existed…

Despite being Next to each other all the time, there’s only a few times she had actually reached out to embrace him.

And, every single time, it was

A Disaster

Yet, as cheeky as a little girl she was, she’d always reach out for slight touches.

Like a Dragonfly touching the Water…

And every single touch of those, she’d never forget to bring a little bit of his warmth with her.

To keep it in the deepest part of her heart.

For Eternity!

In the face of her Unconditional love,

He never complains.

Letting her be, hiding his Yearning in the Heart.


He knows!

When he starts to act on his Yearning, That’d be the True disaster.


In the times, she reach out for an embrace, wrecking his world…

He let her be.

Buried his Yearning deep in the heart for the Natural Balance…

Who is he to Complain?

After all,

Accepting A small, gentle Wave from her means… He should be ready to accept a Tsunami Wave as well.


Just felt like writing a Short story.

If you’ve enjoyed it, check out my New Novel on Wattpad and leave feedbacks.

“The Tyrant and The Gentleman”



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